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Quantum-Readiness: Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography

Cryptographic Inventory

We fulfill CISA’s requirements for cryptographic discovery, inventory & risk assessment today.

Discovery & Inventory

Build an inventory of quantum-vulnerable technology and associated criticality of the data

Prioritization of Key Assets

Protect the most sensitive and critical datasets & correlate cryptographic inventory

Identify in processes

Identify quantum-vulnerable cryptography that protects critical processes

Identify in products

Identify embedded cryptography used internally within products

August 21, 2023

Quantum-Readiness: Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography

This factsheet was created by CISA, NSA, and NIST to inform organizations, especially those that support critical infrastructure, about the impacts of quantum capabilities.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created this factsheet to inform organizations — especially those that support Critical Infrastructure.

This is what we do.


Preparing A Cryptographic Inventory

Having an inventory of quantum-vulnerable technology and associated criticality of the data enables an
organization to begin planning for risk assessment processes to prioritize its migration to PQC. Our cryptographic inventory will:

  • Help an organization become quantum-ready — a state where a CRQC is not a threat,
  • Help an organization prepare a transition to zero trust architecture,
  • Help identify or correlate outside access to datasets, as those are more exposed and at higher risk, and Inform future analysis by identifying what data may be targeted now and decrypted when a CRQC is available.
  • Asset Inventory
  • Identity, Credential, and Access Management, (ICAM)
  • Identity & Access
    Management (IdAM)
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
  • Continuous Diagnostics
    and Mitigation (CDM)
QryptoCyber specializes in helping organizations secure their encryption and prepare for the quantum future. Their tools provide automated encryption discovery, continuous monitoring, and risk assessment to ensure quantum readiness.

Why Prepare Now?

From the factsheet:

“A successful post-quantum cryptography migration will take time to plan and conduct. CISA, NSA, and NIST urge organizations to begin preparing now by creating quantum-readiness roadmaps, conducting inventories, applying risk assessments and analysis…”

You should start right now

QryptoCyber makes it easy and simple to execute on CISA’s requirements. This is our purpose. This is what we do. This is why we exist.

So, from a private sector standpoint, I’d really be looking for some out of the box thinking and also understanding that it might be 10 years out but just assume that it’s 2 years out and that’s really the mindset that really needs to permeate throughout the different vendors, and I know that we’re going to be looking for in the FAA side especially.

Luci Holemans, CISSP, PMPCybersecurity Advisor, United States Space Force/FAA

Our platform is based on two different discovery types


This automated, intelligent encryption discovery is aggregated and scored using the QryptoCyber portal or API

Outside In

  • QryptoScan is an external service that will tell you what encryption is live across the internet.

Inside Out

  • QryptoDiscover is a fully deployable software package you install to discover your internal encryption. 

This automated, intelligent encryption discovery is aggregated and scored using the QryptoCyber portal or API

Starting is the easiest part.

The problem won’t get easier with time. The first step is both the simplest and easiest. Put your foot on the path and start walking to the post quantum future.

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